How To Use A Knife For Self Defense? [Tips 2023]

How To Use A Knife For Self Defense?

The very first thing you need to be prepared for in a knife fight is that it will take more than just physical strength. You’ve got the legalities, anatomy, and combat skills all riding on your shoulders. It can’t hurt to do some research before getting into one either- because as soon as someone backs down or tries stealing something from us we often let our guard down which gives them an opportunity they may not hold had otherwise.

How Should You Choose A Knife?

As a result of the experiences he had in China during the early part of the 20th century, when lawlessness was rampant, and people were fighting each other with knives on a daily basis, Captain William E. Fairbairn is regarded as the father of modern knife fighting. In order to make the most of these tools, he developed one particular style to utilize them – the “Shanghai Pattern.”.

The “fighting knife,” as it came to be known, was not only used for fighting but also served an essential role in surgery. Its blade had a sharp end and good cutting edges because torn streets tend not just slow down blood loss when cut cleanly through them; if the main artery is disconnected quickly enough during a combat situation without too much damage being inflicted on the victim – he will die fast due lack consciousness before experiencing pain.

What Is The Best Way To Use A Knife For Self-Defense?

One of the most important things to remember when fighting with a knife is your target and how best to deal damage.

Elements Of Anatomy

Knives are more difficult to end a fight with than guns, but if you can get past the initial shock and jams that will happen in any knife fight there’s one thing that should give your opponent pause: human anatomy.

As an example, there is an artery around the neck that is very close to the skin; if he has any plans for the future, move away from this particular location as soon as possible before things get out of hand.


The grip you choose for your knife can greatly affect how well it performs in a fight. When fighting with a sword, the more you can control where your blade is pointing makes striking easier and faster.

Pointing it forward allows for quick strikes but weakens both hands’ strength when downward swinging because if knocked around or against an obstacle, there’s a greater chance that one might lose contact between the handle/center line resulting in either injury.

Restoring this balance by having blades point down toward each other creates space so they don’t have much room to move about freely during combat situations while allowing stronger hits from being made due to increased reach without losing power.

Ending The Fight

These are some important skills to practice when you’re in a fight. One of them is disengaging, meaning that if your opponent starts backing away from the fight then stop as well and don’t continue attacking because this will make you an aggressor rather than acting on behalf of self-defense or defense against sexual assault/abuse etcetera.

After The Fight

Finally, you must learn how to stop the bleeding. You likely won’t get out of this fight without getting cut so having skills in stopping blood loss will keep you alive long enough for professional medical care.


It is important to keep in mind that knife fighting is an art that requires patience, practice, and a steady hand. If you are not ready for this type of situation then you should not take part in it. However, if you are well prepared with the right tools in mind, you will be able to handle it smoothly. The ability to defend yourself using knives could just save your life if you learn how to do so. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

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