How To Carry A Fixed Blade Knife?

The fixed-blade knife is a frequently carried tool that many people use for safety reasons. A more useful draw time will allow you to protect yourself and your family, while also providing easy accessibility in an emergency or when needed most quickly. In this blog, we will discuss How To Carry A Fixed Blade Knife?

Knife Laws

Knives are a very common weapon used in self-defense, hunting, and cooking. They can be purchased at any store or taken out by an individual with a license to carry the knife. However, there are some exceptions like public places where it’s illegal (e example: schools). Knife laws vary from state to state but most countries have certain regulations that must be followed when owning them such as keeping them.

Methods Of Carrying

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There are many ways in which fixed-blade knives can be carried, and they can be carried in a variety of ways as well. The level of protection and safety offered by each method will vary based on your specific needs, but no matter which type you choose, there will always be something useful about it, regardless of which type you choose.  Here is how to carry fixed-blade knives:

A leatherman-style handle with channel indents along its length provides easy access while providing some measure of protection against accidental drops and stumbles. There are several types of pouches on the market, but this type of pouch was specifically designed for EDC (Everyday Carry) usage, so it is a pouch that fits comfortably inside most jeans pockets without being too bulky at all times.


Belts provide the most secure attachment point for your gear because they sit closer to you and don’t have any extra metal on them like buckles or clasps. This means that if someone else is watching over us while we’re out in an environment at night time. Their safety will be compromised by our reflective qualities- which can happen easily enough with just one mistake.


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In recent years, the OWB (outside the waistband) has grown in popularity because not only does it expose the sheath, but it also allows quick access to it if you need it. The general rule of thumb is that this style of weapon is most likely to be used by people who are fully experienced and licensed to carry such weapons, plus they are able to show off their fashion sense at the same time.


  • This method makes drawing effortless.
  • The fixed blade allows quick operation
  • It also allows the carrier to grab the gear straight out of the sheath using the long, ergonomic handle.
  • Energy and time are saved.
  • Keeping your blade visible is essential on unsafe roads.


  • Reduces concealment


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This is a popular carrying position for knives and can be very effective if it stands inside the waistband. The name suggests that you place your blade inside the waistband while still secured to another object, like a belt or strap; this technique also requires wearing cover garments to conceal them as well (though some people do without).

There are two ways of doing it: one where I attach my sheath at 3 o’clock according to right-handed users–or 9 am if lefties use those positions instead-, but both involve having something hooked onto static lines on either side so they don’t slip through.


  • Running or walking fast won’t make it fall off.
  • In this way, people walking on the street won’t see the knife.


  • Uncomfortable


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Cross-draws are an easy, convenient way to carry a knife. This style is for people who want the handle in their dominant hand and can reach across or behind them with it while wearing any type of clothing without worrying about cutting themselves on metal edges.

You should also know that there’s another kind called weak side carries which requires you to draw from your left if this option interests you at all – but I would recommend exploring other options first before deciding what will work best based on limitations within space constraints (ease).


  • Diverse options are available to you
  • Unlike traditional vertical carry on the hip, the cross-draw method can be more comfortable when sitting, especially in vehicles or confined spaces, as the knife handle doesn’t dig into the waist when bending.


  • A horizontally worn knife might be more vulnerable to theft or unauthorized access compared to a vertically worn knife, especially in crowded places.


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Neck carry is the best way to feel safe and protected while out in public. It’s also useful if you have a larger knife on your gear, but want it close by so that anything could be used as an instant denture for protection purposes. You’ll need some neck rope or cord – just make sure it’s durable enough before using it anywhere near skin-tight areas like shirts because chances are there will never come a time when this doesn’t work anymore.

The method involves placing a fixed blade very closely against the upper body with a chain strap attached to at least one end securely into the sheath either via fasteners which can break easily under pressure points along garment seams since they’re designed mostly.


  • Neck carriers are simple and secure.
  • In daylight, you can cover your weapon with a black neck strap.
  • On either writing, a neck knife is a lightning fast to access when open-carried.


  • Small knives and light should be used with them.
  • It is only suitable for secondary knives and self-defense.


The best way to carry a fixed-blade knife is to use it. A hunting extravaganza will require you to keep your large kitchen appliance in mind, whereas walking around dangerous neighborhoods would demand that they stay closer by on body side so as not to draw any attention from unwanted parties. Feeling safe and secure at all times requires finding just the right technique for our magnificent CFB (Fixed Blade Knife). Thanks for reading.

Read also: Cons & Pros of 5 Best Gyoto Knives


How do I Carry Knife?

Carrying your knives is a personal preference and it’s important to know how you feel at home with them. This guide will assist get the ball rolling on establishing that comfort level.

Is it safe to carry a fixed blade knife without a sheath?

Carrying a fixed blade knife without a sheath is not recommended as it poses a safety risk. A sheath protects both you and the knife and prevents accidental injuries.

What are the benefits of carrying a fixed blade knife on a belt sheath?

A belt sheath offers quick and easy access to your knife, keeps it securely in place, and minimizes the risk of accidents compared to carrying it loosely or in a pocket.

Can I carry a fixed blade knife openly in public places?

Openly carrying a fixed blade knife in public places may be restricted by local laws. It’s important to check your local regulations and adhere to them to avoid legal issues.

Can I carry a fixed blade knife while traveling?

When traveling, it’s essential to research and comply with the knife laws of the destination you’re visiting. Some places have strict regulations regarding carrying knives in public areas.

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